To file an Academic Integrity claim, please use the link below.
The University has moved to an online academic integrity reporting system. Although the system is designed for all users, a student or instructor may need an accommodation that requires a paper form. If needed, please contact your academic integrity administrator for an updated version of the paper academic integrity form.
Please direct questions to Angela L. Putman, Ph.D., Chair, Brandywine Academic Integrity Committee, [email protected] or 610-892-1428.
Policies and Procedures
University Office of Undergraduate Education G-9 Academic Integrity Procedures
University College Academic Integrity Procedures
Useful Sites for Faculty
College of Agricultural Science Site on Academic Integrity for faculty
includes FAQ, sample syllabus statements, flow chart and more.
College of Liberal Arts Site on Academic Integrity
Link to I-Study Module on Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Copyright
Turnitin Plagiarism Detection and Prevention Tool Available at Penn State provides instructions for faculty
Useful Sites for Students
Keep Teaching Academic Integrity & Assessments
College of Agricultural Sciences Site on Academic Integrity for Students includes FAQ, definition of plagiarism, integrity quiz, etc.
Academic Integrity Best Practices
In dealing with issues that have arisen over the last few years, the Academic Integrity Committee has learned a number of lessons that we would like to share with you. Follow this link to the "best practices" that we have observed.